For women with more severe pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, bowel and sexual issues surgical reconstruction is needed to restore normal function. IWI, with Dr. Guerette, is the most expert, specialized center in the region for women’s pelvic reconstructive surgery and offers the most advanced, minimally invasive surgical options available. We also understand that, in order to achieve optimal results, rehabilitation is needed after the procedure. With that in mind IWI has designed a comprehensive program to insure superior results.
IWI’s Comprehensive Pelvic Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program:
The plan includes:
- A comprehensive expert evaluation to accurately diagnose and assess the severity of your issues.
- A thorough individualized discussion of your symptoms and goals for improvement.
- Designing a customized surgical and rehabilitation plan to meet your specific needs and goals working with Dr. Guerette and the IWI team using revolutionary treatment options to achieve the results you desire. The IWI team will carefully monitor your progress and help you throughout the process.
Core treatment components include:
Surgical Correction: Guerette is the most experienced minimally-invasive female pelvic reconstructive surgeon in the region and has been performing these procedures for over 20 years with thousands of women treated and has served as director of the Robotics program at his medical center for many years. He has been involved in many critical studies for the techniques and technology. Dr. Guerette strongly believes all efforts should be made to keep these procedures as minimally invasive as possible to improve recovery and minimize pain.
Cosmetic Reconstruction: Many women wish to have labiaplasty, vaginoplasty or additional cosmetic procedures These procedures can be performed at the same time as surgery for pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence. This improves outcomes, allows for only one recovery and often is associated with cost-savings.
Post-operative Rehabilitation: Restoring the muscles, vaginal tissues, nerves, and blood vessels after the procedure is critical to an optimal outcome. IWI incorporates multi-modal therapies to maximize your post-operative recovery.
Emsella: This advanced Pelvic Floor Therapy is a FDA-approved revolutionary treatment for pelvic floor issues. The EMSELLA treatment uses High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Energy (HIFEM) to stimulate and strengthen ALL the pelvic floor muscles, not just the subset that can be exercised with voluntary contractions (Kegel exercises). These stronger pelvic floor muscles restore function and the confidence to enjoy normal daily activities. During each 28-minute session you sit comfortably on the Emsella chair while it generates thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions. Each session is equivalent to doing 11000 pelvic floor exercises but without the hard work! The procedure is non-invasive, and you remain fully clothed throughout. No drugs are required and the most you will feel is a slight tingling during the treatment. With no recovery time needed you can leave immediately after each session and resume normal daily activity. The majority of people need a course of six sessions over a period of three weeks to see optimum results, with most people seeing and feeling results after just two or three treatment sessions.4
Laser and Radio Frequency Vaginal Treatment: Healthy vaginal tissue is a critical component to improvement. This aspect is almost always overlooked with typical pelvic floor therapy programs. These therapies recondition the vagina by restoring healthy vaginal tissue. Dr. Guerette is one of the pioneers in developing the use of gentle rejuvenating lasers and radio-frequency devices for improving vaginal issues. These treatments are simple 5-minute office procedures with no preparation or recovery and minimal to no discomfort. The procedure works by stimulating the body to form new collagen, nerves and blood vessels to improve sexual response, sensitivity, control and lubrication. The effect of the laser lasts 12-18 months and then needs a simple touch-up treatment.
Expert Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: For women with more complex issues or who need more guidance you will work individually with an expert IWI physical therapist to insure your success.
Device-based Home Therapy Program: As with any muscle therapy, a maintenance program is critical for long-term success. The IWI team will provide you with a vetted, effective home device and train you on its use so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your improvements.
Call for a consultation and see the difference IWI can make.